Taking Town & Country Magazine to the people.


We have been engaged by Town & Country Farmer Magazine to develop and manage their social media campaign, to expand their readership and take the 30+ year old printed magazine into the digital age.

The traditional printed form of the journal has recently begun digital publication through PocketMags, publishing their long-running articles on tablets and for computers.  As part of this we have been working closely with them to engage new audiences through social media.

We have developed a Facebook campaign, including targeted boosted posts, ads and competitions, and already seen a tenfold increase in online engagement.  Paired with this, we are managing their Twitter campaign, to again, reach a broader audience, increase visibility and ultimately increase sales.

Max and Julie Hyde produce the magazine out of their offices in rural Victoria where they live what they write, on a small acreage farm just out of Seymour.  Utilising active practitioners in the field, their articles are broad and informative.  We see potential for an international readership outside of the cost-prohibitive arena of printed material distribution for the overseas market.  Utilising the digital editions, we are seeking to engage the major markets we have identified after an initial campaign to test the geography of those interested.

The magazine is laid-up and published through MRGraphics, a small publisher in Woodend, Victoria.